Australia Needs Real Leadership!

Australian politics is broken. Our leaders have stopped leading, and vital issues are being ignored. We face paralysis in government, growing distrust in our institutions, and political parties that no longer represent the people. Instead, they’re dominated by career politicians more focused on their personal futures than the future of our country.

Ordinary Australians are frustrated, and rightly so. We’re watching our country drift steadily towards national decline on every front—social, economic, and political. This isn't the Australia we know or deserve.

Why Democracy First?

The only way to stop this decline is by creating a balance-of-power party—a force strong enough to hold all sides accountable and demand real reform of our broken political institutions. That’s where Democracy First comes in.
Democracy First is a mainstream party with one mission: to fix our democracy. We represent the 80% of Australians who know that the system isn’t working and who are ready for real, sensible change. We’re not on the fringes of the political spectrum; we are firmly planted in the centre, with a philosophy of sensible conservatism that reflects the values and concerns of everyday Australians.

Our goal is simple but ambitious: to hold the balance of power in Canberra after the next federal election and to force much-needed reforms that will put the country back on track.

Real Leadership, Not Career Politics – We will demand integrity, transparency, and real leadership from those in power.
Restore Trust in Our Institutions – It's time to rebuild faith in the institutions that are meant to serve the public.
Tackle Government Paralysis – We’ll break the cycle of inaction and make sure crucial issues are addressed.
End Party Capture by Elites – Political parties should represent the people, not career politicians or special interests.
Strengthen Democracy – We’ll push for electoral and political reforms to make our democracy work for everyone.
Accountable Governance – Government must be answerable to the people, with clear checks on power and responsibility.
Ensure Economic Stability – We will pursue responsible, sustainable economic policies that benefit all Australians.
Fair Representation – We’ll ensure that every voice is heard and that no community is left behind.
Fix the NDIS – Our focus will be on reducing wait times, improving participant engagement, and ensuring fairness.
Reform Political Donations – We’ll fight to end the influence of money in politics and ensure fairer elections.
Sensible Climate Policy – We’ll balance environmental protection with economic growth and energy security.
A Future-Oriented Nation – Our focus will be on innovation, education, and preparing Australia for the challenges of the future.

Are you in?

#DemocracyFirst #TanyaforMcMahon

Tanya Quinn is a disability advocate, business woman and community builder.

She is challenging Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, in the seat of McMahon in Sydney's west.

#ChrisBowen is the face of modern Labor. He has never held a real job outside politics in his life. After university he was a staff for two Labor politicians, and an official for the Finance Sector Union. He married an official of the Trades Union - they met, of course, in the Party. Then he became a politician. That is the #sumtotal of his work and life experience.

Tanya Quinn is a dedicated single mother, living in Oatlands with her teenage daughter. She grew up in Macquarie Fields in public housing, and went to Liverpool Girls High School. She started work as a support worker in aged care and disability services, where her passion for care and advocacy led her to become CEO of two prominent disability providers.

Tanya blew the #whistle on fraudulent conduct in NDIS by operators. She took significant personal risk in supplying evidence of corruption to NDIS, but despite this, the individuals concerned continue to operate in NDIS with no repercussions.

This experience led Tanya to start her own venture. She launched a smaller, community-focused service where quality and genuine relationships are at the forefront.

Now, as a business owner, she focuses on housing solutions for people with disabilities across Sydney and the Hunter Region. With an unwavering commitment to empowering others, she is a powerhouse in her field, always ready to tackle new challenges and champion those most in need.

Growing up in public housing, Tanya has first hand experience of the challenges faced by disadvantaged communities and intimate knowledge of the deep distrust in these communities of politicians who claim to represent them.
#McMahon is one of many traditionally 'safe' Labor electorates that are vulnerable to community-based challengers.

You can register you support for Tanya at

About 45 traditionally 'safe' #Labor seats are winnable by centrist community-based challengers. They can be won by candidates like Tanya.

Then join #DemocracyFirst today and become involved in our movement.

Vern Hughes - Convenor, Democracy First